Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sunset at Moon Resort

This is a photo that I took on my final evening at Moon Resort near Yangshuo. It was the perfect conclusion to a fantastic week!!

WeiWei and Her Family

Here is a picture of WeiWei and her husband and daughter. WeiWei and her family run Moon Resort. She is an amazing woman!! She is up early in the morning preparing meals for guests, she arranges all sightseeing and transportation needs for anyone staying with her. During the day she if off on her scooter to pick up guests and/or groceries. She is up late at night making sure that all of her guests are well fed and back safe and sound from their various adventures. She is a tireless worker!! I would highly recommend Moon Resort to anyone travelling through this part of China.

Country Cafe

We stopped for a break during the afternoon. We had a nice traditional meal at this Country Cafe.

Local Youth

While we were out exploring the countryside, we saw several men and woman busy at work. We did not see many children. I finally stumbled on a few of the local youth fequenting their favourite establishment.

Water Buffalo

I am a big fan of the water buffalo. There are lots of these in this area. Sometimes they are in the rivers and sometimes they are tethered in fields or ponds. Here are a few of my many photos of these interesting animals.

Countryside around Moon Resort

The area around Moon Resort is very fertile and we passed many very well maintained farms. We also passed through some quaint little villages and townships.


On my final day at Moon Resort, I joined a few other tourists and we rented scooters. We also hired a guide who was familiar with the country road system. We had a lot of fun exploring this gorgeous area of the country.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A steep climb.

There would have been little need for treadmills or stairclimbers in this region!


Here I am taking a closer look at the rice crop.

Inspecting the Crop

For me, this picture captures the mood of this entire area. This elderly gentleman is inspecting the crop and, no doubt, deciding when it will be the optimum time to harvest the rice.

The Dragon's Backbone

The Longji Terraces

The Longji Rice Terraces are a true wonder! These terraces were developed approximately 600 years ago and are still very much in use at present. They reach all the way up a string of 800 metre peaks. The views from the summit are breathtaking!! This is definitely another 'must see' spot. It is also known as The Dragon's Backbone Rice Terraces.

Long Hair

As part of the show, the women unfurl and brush out their hair. They are able to re-do their elaborate hairstyles very quickly.

Yao Dancers

The young Yao women put on shows for the tourists. They have a unique singing style and perform a number of traditional dances.

The Yao People

The Yao People are a minority group who are also referred to as "The Long Hairs". Yao women only have their hair cut once in their life. This takes place on their 18th Birthday. The hair cut off is saved and used to further decorate their decorative hair styles. The women also gather up any hairs that fall out during brushing and use these as a second supplement to their hair.

Crops Drying in the Sun

Wandering through the Yao village, you see a variety of crops set out in the sun to dry.

Longsheng County

On Thursday, October 2nd, I woke up early and took a cab into Yangshuo. There, I caught a tour bus to Longsheng County. Longshen County is about 80 km outside of Guilin and is nestled in rugged mountains terrain. It is the home of the Yao People.

View from Moon Rock

I spent the morning with a group of other foreign teachers hiking up to the top of Moon Rock. The views from the top were breathtaking!

Local Merchants and Residents

Morning is always a special time to get out and about. It is great seeing the local people going about their daily lives.